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13 benefits of acerola for health

The benefits of acerola for the health of the body

Acerola is a small tropical fruit with a slightly acidic taste and reddish skin and yellow flesh.

Acerola is the only fruit that has the most Vitamin C: some varieties even have more than 20 times the amount of Vitamin C compared to orange or lemon. On average, 5 berries per day already reach the daily nutrient needs.

What is vitamin c? And how important it is for skin and hair

Ascorbic acid or also called vitamin c, is one of the very important nutrients for the functioning of the human body such as strengthening the immune system, preventing cold and flu, but vitamin c has many more benefits such as:

  • Collagen production.
  • Helps neurons maintain brain function.
  • Combat cellular aging.
  • Brightens surface blemishes on the skin.

The benefit of vitamin c for the skin

Vitamin C is a natural lightener, as it is an antioxidant that reverses the signs of skin aging and improves skin firmness by being linked to collagen production.

The benefit of vitamin c for hair

Vitamin C helps hair fight damage caused by free radicals and protects hair's natural strength and shine.

The main properties of acerola

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Antioxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Fibers
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Selenium

The main benefits of acerola

The main benefits of acerola

1. Prevents premature aging of the skin

Acerola helps prevent premature aging because it is rich in vitamin C, a vitamin that protects the skin against damage caused by the sun's ultraviolet rays, thus preventing the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines.

In addition, the vitamin C present in acerola also participates in the production of collagen, a protein that promotes softness and skin support, preventing sagging.

2. Facilitates weight loss

By containing fiber, acerola helps to prolong digestion time, reducing hunger and food consumption throughout the day, thus facilitating weight loss.

In addition, acerola is low in carbohydrates and calories, making it a great fruit option to include in weight loss diets.

3. Strengthens the immune system

Vitamin C, present in large amounts in acerola, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that strengthen the immune system, helping to prevent and fight infections, such as flu, rhinitis, sinusitis and cold.

4. Prevents blood pressure

Acerola has excellent amounts of vitamin C, a nutrient with antioxidant action that promotes increased levels of nitric oxide in the body, a substance that relaxes blood vessels, facilitating blood circulation and thus preventing high blood pressure high.

5. Improves mood

Being rich in vitamin C, acerola improves mood, as this vitamin participates in the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that promotes the feeling of pleasure.

6. Helps in the fight against anemia

Acerola helps in the fight against anemia because it is rich in vitamin C, an essential nutrient for the absorption of iron present in food, favoring the formation of haemoglobin, which is the component of red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.

7. Prevents the onset of cancer

Acerola contains flavonoids and carotenoids, biochemical compounds with antioxidant properties that fight excess free radicals in the body, preventing the onset of cancer.

8. Prevents constipation

By containing fiber, acerola increases stool volume and stimulates natural bowel movements, helping to avoid constipation.

9. Maintains eye health

Acerola has good amounts of carotenoids, compounds that participate in the formation of vitamin A, an important vitamin for maintaining eye health, preventing the onset of xerophthalmia, a disease that can cause dryness, difficulty seeing in dark environments and blindness.

10. Decreases “bad” cholesterol

By having antioxidant properties, acerola protects fat cells against oxidation caused by free radicals, lowering levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and preventing the onset of diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.

11. It's good for the thyroid

The thyroid is a gland located in the neck region and is responsible for releasing some hormones. Consuming acerola helps with the functioning of the gland due to the presence of vitamin C. This is because it stimulates the functioning of the immune system and improves the absorption of iron, a mineral that is generally lacking in people with hypothyroidism —when the thyroid does not produce enough of it. hormones.

12. It is beneficial for the heart

Because it is rich in potassium — in 100 g of fruit there are 138 mg of potassium — fruit consumption helps heart health, since the mineral acts to control blood pressure. Because of this, acerola helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. In addition, antioxidants contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis, a health condition that clogs blood vessels and causes heart attacks and strokes.

13. Whitens and hydrates the skin

The vitamin C contained in acerola helps in the synthesis of collagen in the body, acting as an antioxidant. It also helps whiten the skin and protects against damage from sun exposure.

Acerola hydrates the skin so that on hot days it does not become oily. Also indicated for those who need vigor and firmness in the skin. Leave to act for 20 minutes.

How to consume acerola

How to consume acerola

Although there is no specific amount indicated for consumption of acerola, the daily recommendation for fruit is between 2 to 3 servings, which corresponds to between 160g and 240 g per day.

The ideal is to consume it raw, as they tend to spoil quickly after harvesting, it is common for the fruit to be transformed into juice, pulp, recipes: such as juices, cakes, jellies and mousse. In addition, acerola leaves can also be used to prepare teas.

The risks and contraindications of acerola

The recommendation is to consume between 5 and 8 acerolas per day. Consumption of the fruit is usually safe for most people. However, because it is acidic, those with digestive problems may feel sick after ingesting it.

This occurs because vitamin C is converted into oxalate (a substance that favors calculations) and is eliminated in the urine. Therefore, those with kidney problems should pay attention to the excessive consumption of acerola and other sources of vitamin C, in addition to supplements.

Healthy recipes using acerola

Acerola juice

Acerola juice Ingredients:
  • 2 cups of fresh acerolas;
  • 1 liter of boiled or filtered water;
  • Honey to taste.
Method of preparation:

Wash the acerolas well and add them to the blender with the water. Beat well, sweeten with honey and serve immediately, preferably without straining.

Acerola tea

Acerola tea Ingredients:
  • 10 acerola leaves;
  • 1 liter of water.
Method of preparation:

Wash the acerola leaves well and cut them in half. Boil water in a pot or kettle and turn off the heat. Add the acerola leaves to the water, cover the pan or kettle and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain and serve immediately.

Acerola jam

Acerola jam Ingredients:
  • 1 Kg of fresh acerola;
  • 2 cups sweetener for oven and stove;
  • 1 packet of colorless gelatin;
  • 250 ml of water.
Method of preparation:

Wash the acerolas well. Put the water and the acerolas in the blender, beating well. Strain the juice and transfer to a pan. Add the sweetener and stir until dissolved. Cook this mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until it forms a thick syrup.

Turn off the heat, dissolve the gelatin in 3 tablespoons of filtered or boiled water and add to the pan, stirring gently. Allow the jam to cool and transfer to a jar with a lid, storing in the refrigerator.
